Monday 13 January 2014

Eve Salmon
Candidate Number: 8269
Centre Number: 16607

BRIEF: For my A2 coursework I have chosen to produce a documentary extract with two ancillary texts of a newspaper advertisement and a double page spread from a television listing magazine. I have used this blog to record my progress throughout this project from research and planning to production and evaluation. 

Friday 10 January 2014

Final Double Page Spread

Evaluation: Question 1

Evaluation: Question 2

In conclusion the combination of my main product and ancillary texts is represented effectively as they signify a brand identity, particularly through BBC Three and its methods of branding. As a recognisable and established television channel it was crucial that I use and develop similar branding ideas. The representation of my three products all have similar aspects which work well together and create a symbolic and familiar identity. 

Evaluation: Question 3