Tuesday 3 December 2013

Planning: TV Advert Flatplan

The poster advertisement from 'Beyond The Essex Girl' will have a main image acting as the focal point to the poster of two separate halves of two young girls faces. The left half of the face will represent the stereotypical Essex girl with an orange face, blonde hair and heavy make-up. But, the right half of the face will represent a simple 'plain jane' looking girl who will challenge the Essex girl stereotype, hence the title 'Beyond The Essex Girl'. This will hopefully briefly signify the narrative of the documentary. The title for the programme will be in large typography around the main image, the 'Beyond The...' will be in a dark, simple font and the 'Essex girl' will signify the stereotype, in a bright pink colour with feminine typography. The BBC Three logo will also be presented at the bottom of the page along with the date its broadcasted to signify to the audience where to watch it in order to attract views. The BBC Three logo is also pink and black which will correspond with the colour scheme I am attempting to represent. 

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